First Post! Hello World!
Well, it’s about time to put something up on this blog. I decided I’d start out with sharing my courses for this Autumn Quarter at Stanford. I’ve included a description of each course as well:
ECON 52: Economic Analysis III
Long-run economic growth and short-run economic fluctuations. Focus on the macroeconomic tools of government: fiscal policy (spending and taxes) and monetary policy, and their effects on growth, employment, and inflation.
EDUC 306A: Economics of Education in the Global Economy
Case material considers development problems in the U.S. and abroad. Discussion sections on economic aspects of educational development.
EDUC 306Y: Economic Support Seminar for Education and Economic Development
Core economic concepts that address issues in education in developing and developed countries. Supply and demand, elasticity, discount rates, rate of return analysis, utility functions, and production functions. Corequisite: 306A.
EDUC 355X: Higher Education and Society
For undergraduates and graduate students interested in what colleges and universities do, and what society expects of them. The relationship between higher education and society in the U.S. from a sociological perspective. The nature of reform and conflict in colleges and universities, and tensions in the design of higher education systems and organizations.
PUBLPOL 200H: Senior Honors Seminar
Students conduct original research for oral presentations and a paper on a policy-related topic. Topic and methods of analysis determined by student in consultation with instructor. Goal is to improve analytical, research, writing, and communication skills.
PUBLPOL 235: From Innovation to Implementation: How Government Can Develop and Apply New Ideas
What are the barriers to reform and innovative thinking in government? What are the factors that need to be taken into account when implementing change? What are the bureaucratic structures and power relationships that policy-makers must understand and navigate in order to embed reform? The aim of this seminar is to give students a detailed understanding of how political change happens and an understanding of why it often doesn’t. Using cases studies from successful and unsuccessful reform programs around the world, this course will expose students to innovations in key public sector issue areas including education, healthcare, well-being, and government transparency and accountability; provides a sense of what's it's like actually trying to make change happen in a government context, and will equip students with the skills and understanding to be able to make change happen in a government setting.